Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Stuff I have written

I have written stuff and received little response. Here is a recycled email.

On Wednesday 16 Jul 2003 2:06 pm, you wrote:

The good news is that the Human Consciousness has several characteristics that resemble the Universe as a whole and general life
and radiation (e.g., light) from a source: A. Expansion-Contraction, B.
Entanglement, C. "Effort", D. Knowledge-Orientation, E. Mis-
Entanglement via Materialism (Power-Materialism, Greed-Materialism, Sensation-Materialism, Friendship Materialism or putting Friendship
above Ethics), F. Ability to Create/Control/Coordinate Existence. I
could add a few other characteristics, but this gives the general idea.

I do not have a problem with this way of looking at it. I like Spinoza's approach. EG God did not create the universe, God *is* the unverse.

Saying that, got him into big trouble, easy to see why. God was sold as other worldly and magic. Descartes sold out, Spinoza never did. A more modern interpretation of this social operating system is pantheism.

The thing I'm dancing about with in my mind, is the idea that George Boole was actually right when he said he had discovered the laws of thought. The inner workings of a neuron are still a mystery to us. If or when this mystery is solved it would not surprise me to discover boolean algebra within the neuron, the *electrical* side of consciousness. The *chemical* side of conscious being supplied by nerotransmitters that exist in the inter-neuronal spaces, such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, betaendorphin, ananamide, to name just a few.

I like this approach because it fits neatly into the irrational/rational concept. eg. electrical being rational, chemical being irrational. I have several friends that are manic depressive. What typifies them the most, is how impulsive they are. I theorise that all the different neurotransmmiters act as tho' instruments in concert. If they are all in tune and playing at the right level the whole is harmonious, if however the amount of any single neurotransmitter is above a median level, our behaviour is 'tweaked'. We fall in love, we run away, we lose our tempers. Our behaviour becomes 'irrational'.

So to reiterate, electrical phenomena to be as representative of interneuronal communication and instantiated in the boolean model, IE one or zero. The neuron fires or it does not fire. And the blanket effect of possibly numerous neurons being affected in concert, by the ratio of one neurotransmitter to all the others, being expressed as the fractional part of the whole. To even more simpiify my idea, rational being to the left of the decimal point and irrational to the right of the decimal point.

I think as many problems are caused by people who feel, but do not think, are caused by people who think, but do not feel. One is a bull in a china shop, the other is a heartless bastard with no empathy.

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