Friday, November 04, 2005


Morality and geography

It is apparent from a study of culture, that if one removes value judgements from the study of different human cultures, that they are largely grounded in the environment they evolved in. If a human culture evolves in a desert it has a different survival strategy to one that evolves in an arctic tundra, or in a mountainous region, or on an island.

Morality is grounded in culture, this sad sad story is a case in pointMorality in the Indian subcontinent is different to morality in the UK, an island morality is different to a continental morality. In India life is cheap, people die on the side of the street with nary a second glance. I would have thought this has something to do with size of population and the structure of society. Masculine/Feminine is a spectrum phenomena, it applies to cultures as well as individuals. Some cultures are more feminine some cultures are more masculine. I believe evolution is driven by the dichotomy between masculine and feminine. The mathematics of this equation are telling. One female human being in the course of life, can of around thirty four years of fertility, produce about 40 children if she stayed pregnant all the while. One male in his time of fertility could astronomically trash this figure. So okay women are far more important than men, because without women there are no new people, to men new people are but an ejaculation.

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